The noun sight has one meaning (eyesight), with synonyms vision or seeing.
The related verb (see) has the synonyms spot, observe, and discern.
Another meaning is the noun (appearance), with synonyms vista, view, scene, or spectacle.
Another noun use (gunsight) has the synonym crosshairs.
The related verb (to aim) has the synonyms point, fix, focus, or target.
What is synonym for merchant? What is synonym for merchant?
What is the synonym government.
you are a synonym of abandoned.
no it is not a synonym
Concealed, out of sight, unseen, secreted, veiled, buried, unknown, secret, mysterious, clandestine, covert, obscure, cryptic, mystifying.
What is synonym for merchant? What is synonym for merchant?
What is the synonym government.
you are a synonym of abandoned.
no it is not a synonym
a synonym to..?
A synonym for temper is temperament.
A synonym for varied is diverse.
The synonym for abducting is kidnapping.
The synonym of testes is "testicles."
Another name for the word synonym is poecilonym.