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Sad is an adjective, meaning it doesn't have any verb forms. Other questions/answers on believe that Sad is a Verb. They are wrong.

However, there are possible words that can mean cry which is linked to Sad.

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Look up 'Cry' in an online thesaurus or a book thesaurus. They should have a giant list on Synonyms and Antonyms. See Related Link.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Sad, mad, unhappy, dejected, pessimistic, rejected - these are all adjectives.

am / is / are / look / sound /

I am sad / He is sad / They are sad / They look sad / You sound sad.

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14y ago

Well, since suicide is a noun... we'll have to go with the action of ending one's life.

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12y ago

It depends on the way you use it. On a side note, you use "an" instead of "a" when the word after it starts with a vowel.

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Q: Can you give me some verbs for sad?
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What are some ing verbs for sad?

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What is the verb for sadness?

To sadden is to become sad or cause someone to become sad.

What are the difference type of verbs?

linking verbs- links the subject with an adjective or an identifying noun. ex. she seems sad. sad is describing the noun(she). being verbs- are followed by a noun or linking verb. another name is helping verb. ex. has, have, had, do, did, does, are, is, was,..etc.

Is legend of the guardians sad?

I don't want to give too much away, but yes, some parts are sad.

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was missing is a verb phrase. It is made up of two verbs - be verb + present participle

What are the 5 types of verbs?

The 5 types of verbs are: action verbs (e.g., run), linking verbs (e.g., is), helping verbs (e.g., have), modal verbs (e.g., can), and phrasal verbs (e.g., give up).

What are some words that are verbs?

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Some transitive verbs are:BringSendGiveMakeReadTake

Can anybody give some help on verbs?

Verbs or doing words can be anything from climbing to sweeping it depends what context you want them in here is some examples:acceptcarecouldenjoyhappenleadopenreducesettleteachaccountcarrycountexaminehatelearnorderrefershaketellachievecatchcoverexisthaveleaveoughtreflectshalltendactcausecreateexpectheadlendownrefusesharetestaddchangecrossexperiencehearletpassregardshootthankadmitchargecryexplainhelpliepayrelateshouldthinkaffectcheckcutexpresshidelikeperformreleaseshoutthrowaffordchoosedamageextendhitlimitpickremainshowtouchagreeclaimdancefaceholdlinkplaceremembershuttrainaimcleandealfailhopelistenplanremovesingtravelallowcleardecidefallhurtliveplayrepeatsittreatanswerclimbdeliverfastenidentifylookpointreplacesleeptryappearclosedemandfeedimaginelosepreferreplysmileturnapplycollectdenyfeelimprovelovepreparereportsortunderstandarguecomedependfightincludemakepresentrepresentsoundusearrangecommitdescribefillincreasemanagepressrequirespeakused toarrivecomparedesignfindindicatemarkpreventreststandvisitaskcomplaindestroyfinishinfluencematterproduceresultstartvoteattackcompletedevelopfitinformmaypromisereturnstatewaitavoidconcerndieflyintendmeanprotectrevealstaywalkbaseconfirmdisappearfoldintroducemeasureproveringstickwantbeconnectdiscoverfollowinvitemeetproviderisestopwarnbeatconsiderdiscussforceinvolvementionpublishrollstudywashbecomeconsistdivideforgetjoinmightpullrunsucceedwatchbegincontactdoforgivejumpmindpushsavesufferwearbelievecontaindrawformkeepmissputsaysuggestwillbelongcontinuedressfoundkickmoveraiseseesuitwinbreakcontributedrinkgainkillmustreachseemsupplywishbuildcontroldrivegetknockneedreadsellsupportwonderburncookdropgiveknownoticerealizesendsupposeworkbuycopyeatgolastobtainreceiveseparatesurviveworrycallcorrectenablegrowlaughoccurrecognizeservetakewouldcancostencouragehandlelayofferrecordsettalkwriteAMY :) x

Can you give me an example of verbs?

He is right there.She likes ice cream.The doctor eats avocados.Singular verbs are verb + -s or am/is be verbs.

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