It means that the letters are slanted (the upper part is slanted towards the right), as in these three words.
panted chanted, planted, slanted, enchanted, implanted, replanted, transplanted, disenchanted... theres more... you can get them at Some words which rhyme with granted are planted chanted slanted SLANTED
Words packed with emotion
A diagonal is a line that is slanted
Is cheer an abstract noun or a concrete noun??????
yes its a slanted square
Slanted Records was created in 2004.
Slanted roofs don't accumulate water during storms.
thier both slanted
parallelegram is the name it is a rectangle that is sort of slanted
slanted square
In general, slanted refers to some fort of a diagnol, whether it is a course, direction, or path. An example of a sentence using slanted is "I tried to draw a straight line but it ended up being slanted."
slightly slanted is listening, slanted all the way back means aggression. they may bite, kick, or react harshly.
diagol lines a slanted linesA diagonal line is a lines which is a slanted line
Oblique means slanted or at an angle.
Slanted - 2008 was released on: USA: October 2008 (limited)
The word for slanted not straight is "oblique."