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One of the ramifications after my mom changed job was that she came home really late at night every day.

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The government's ramification of the law angered the citizens deeply

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9y ago

She knew the task she is doing will have ramifications. Ramification is the word used in the sentence.

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Q: What is a sentence with the word ramification in it?
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A sentence with the word ramification?

The decision to cut down the trees had significant environmental ramifications on the local ecosystem.

What is a synonym for the word ramification?


A sentence using Ramification?

Part of being an adult is accepting the ramifications of your actions.

What is the etymology of the word ramification?

Ramification, literally, is first recorded 1677, from French.; transformed as sense of "outgrowth, consequence" first recorded 1755. Latin 'ramus' = branch and 'facere' to make

What is social ramification?

Social ramification is the collection of effects from certain actions and deeds. Unlike a regular ramification, they affect an entire society.

What is the antonym of the word repercussion?

No result because ramification is a result of a reason or consequence

What is the difference between implication and ramification?

The difference between implication and ramification is in their meanings. Implication is the consequence expected as a result of an action while ramification is a consequence that develops and aggravates the situation.

Another word for consequence is?

Synonyms could include effect, result, ramification, reaction, residual, consecution, or outcome.

What is ramification means?

In a general sense, "ramification" refers to the consequences or implications of a particular action or decision. It can also refer to the act of branching out or dividing into separate parts. In a more technical context, such as in mathematics or biology, ramification specifically denotes the division or branching of a structure into smaller parts or components.

What is a ramification of tooth decay?

inability to swallow

What are the ramifications of psychology of command?

the legal ramification of Psychology of command?

What is a sentence using both words ramification and rapacious?

Ramifications are results or consequences, and rapacious refers to grasping, plundering, or greed. Example : "There were many international ramifications to Germany's rapacious moves into Czechoslovakia in 1939."