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Illegible notes are of no value when studying for a test.

The captured killer's notebooks were full of illegible scrawls and Satanic symbols.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is illegal to drive under the influence in California.

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Q: What is a sentence using the word illegible?
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What is a sentence using the word transcription?

I'm sorry, but your transcription is illegible.

What sentence can you make by using the word classify?

Please classify this document as illegible.

How can you use the word illegible in a sentence?

The muttering was illegible.Nobody could decipher the illegible scribbles.

What sentence can you make with the word illegible?

The doctor's handwriting was so illegible that the pharmacist couldn't read the prescription.

What is a sentence with a illegible in it?

The handwriting on the document was so illegible that I couldn't make out a single word.

How do I use illegible in a sentence?

The handwriting on the letter was illegible, making it difficult to read.

Can you use the word illegible in a sentence for me?

The teacher said the girl's messy handwriting was illegible. The boy made a Xerox copy of math questions. The copy was blurred and illegible. Many doctors' prescriptions are illegible. Illegible writing often causes miscommunication. Illegible carving on a gravestone made the words look like it said "in bed". "This is illegible!" the mother complained about the teacher's penmanship.

How can you use illegible in a sentence?

I could not read the Doctors prescription, the hand writing was illegible.The notice was illegible because the rain had smudged the ink.

A sentence for Illegible?

My handwriting is illegibal

What is a good 9th grade sentence for illegible?

The man's essay was too illegible to read easily.

Another word for not readable?


What is the word for impossible to read?
