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The German Officer raised his monocle up to his face to take a look at his maps.

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Q: What is a sentence for the word monocle?
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What is a sentence with the word monocle?

The count laughed so hard that his monocle fell out!

Monocle in a sentence?

lawrence wore a monocle. horton also wore a monocle. Pauline found the monocle frightening. Monocle's are not very useful.

Use monocle in a sentence?

lawrence wore a monocle. horton also wore a monocle. Pauline found the monocle frightening. Monocle's are not very useful.

What is a sentence for monocle?

The old man was wearing a monocle on his left eye.

A sentence for monocle?

The gentleman adjusted his monocle before perusing the menu at the upscale restaurant.

What part of speech is monocle?

The word monocle is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for an eyeglass for one eye; a word for a thing.

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What is an example sentence for anthropomortic?

The anthropomorphic cat wore a top hat and monocle, giving it a sophisticated and human-like appearance.

What is the single word for single eye glass?

A single eye glass is called a monocle. A monocle is usually attached to the user by a chain or a string so that he or she doesn't loose it.

What is the plural of monocle?

The plural of monocle is monocles.

What is the stressed syllable in monocle?

Monocle is stressed on the first syllable. A simple way of testing which syllable is stressed is by saying the word aloud. Look for the syllable that you naturally emphasise more in your speech.

When was Monocle - lifestyle magazine - created?

Monocle - lifestyle magazine - was created in 2007.