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A cornucopia, or horn of plenty, is a symbol of abundance and nourishment. It is a horn shaped container that is filled with fruit, nuts, or flowers.

Example sentences:

The cornucopia was filled will all kinds of fruit and nuts.

Margrethe placed the cornucopia on the table for Thanksgiving.

We saw a cornucopia that was made from bread.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Let's place that wicker cornucopia on the table as a centerpiece.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The cornucopia has come to represent Thanksgiving in the USA.She made a cornucopia for her parents.

Children made cornucopia from colored paper.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Here are some sentences.

The cornucopia is a symbol of thanksgiving.

We drew a cornucopia for the holiday.

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Choose the definition of the root word by reading the clues in the sentence. copia A Thanksgiving cornucopia is a horn overflowing with fruits and vegetables?

The root word "copia" means abundance or plenty, which is suggested in the sentence by mentioning an overflowing horn filled with fruits and vegetables in a Thanksgiving cornucopia.

What is a sentence using the word cornucpia?

It's cornucopia, as in the symbol of plenty. We used a cornucopea as a symbol of Thanksgiving at the celebration.

Cornucopia used in a sentence?

A cornucopia is a symbol meaning abundance or plentiful. An example of a sentence would be: "The family had a cornucopia of food on the table at Thanksgiving".

What word was taken from the latin word meaning horn?

Cornucopia...for one.

What is the root word of cornucopia?

the root word of this is cornu and the suffix is copia

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What is the spanish word for cornucopia?

Same: pronounced 'cawrrnooCAWpee-ah'

What is another word for the horn of plenty which is a symbol of Thanksgiving?

A cornucopia.

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What word that starts with c that is horn of plenty?

Cornucopia is a symbol of abundance.

What is the collective noun for cornucopia?

The noun 'cornucopia' is a standard collective noun for a cornucopia of slugs.