A descriptive word would be an adjective.
A describing word or a descriptive word is an adjective.
Another word for crying can be weeping, sobbing, mourning, a result of being upset or by stress a result of an emotion
calling out
yes. It is a descriptive word, so is an adjective.
That was a descriptive response.
Zesty is a descriptive word. Zany is a descriptive word.
A descriptive word would be an adjective.
yes old is a descriptive word like he is an old tiger
There are many wonderful descriptive word pairs such as deliciously delectable. Another popular descriptive word pair is magically mysterious for example.
Outstanding is a nice descriptive word. Optimistic is a nice descriptive word.
The English word crying is translated into "kilio" in the Luhya language.
Descriptive word?
Yes, "responsible" is a descriptive word that describes someone who can be trusted to do what is expected of them. It conveys a sense of reliability and dependability.
money on time