

Best Answer

Black Mombas are very dangorous and very very highly posinous.

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Q: What is a momba?
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Is the black momba the same as the king cobra?

No they are verydifferent. The Black Momba has a more potent venom.

Where does a black momba live?


What is a deadly African snake called?


If Kobe Bryant team had a masscot what would it be?

A black momba

Which is the feared snake in central and south America?

black momba

Which kills you faster a box jellyfish or a black momba?

A sea wasp (box jelly) can kill you within 2-3 minutes. A black momba can kill you within 20 minutes

What is a very small snake from Africa that lives in swaps and kill you in less than a minute?

the black momba

Will black momba make you fail a drug test?

No It won't. Its perfectly Legal and will get you as high as you want :P

What is the most venomus creatcher in the world?

my opinion would be a black momba dude, or chick :D ur welcome

What is the life span of a black momba?

The longest recorded lifespan was 14 years - for a captive-bred specimen. Actual data regarding wild specimens varies.

What is the stick people use for presentations called?

Big Black Momba Chod D1ck in your mouth which thens goes up your a$$ and then your wifes A$$ like this 8====D~ (l)

What has the author Bakolalao Ranaivoharivony written?

Bakolalao. Ranaivoharivony has written: 'Torolalana momba ny fifidianana solombavambahoaka eto Madagasikara' -- subject(s): Civics, Malagasy, Legislators, Malagasy Civics