Generally we refer to the English spoken in the British Isles as "British English," but the distinction could be made between various forms of it: Irish English, Scottish English and English English.
*American English *British English *Australian English *Filipino English
Literature in English is the writing written in English, but English in literature is the overall English literature that there is in the general category of "literature."
At secondary school there was English language and English literature. English language was punctuation etc. English literature was popems, stories etc.
Simplified English is English using simple vocabulary and sentence structure. English - normally is English is with sometimes sophisticated vocabulary and a range of sentence structures.
where is my husband
I Love my husband
"¿Cómo vas con tu marido?" translates to "How are things going with your husband?" in English.
Marido means husband.
In my house with my husband and my family
El Marido perfecto was created in 1993.
Marido de ocasión was created in 1952.
Me sobra un marido was created in 1987.
marido You can use "esposo" or "marido" formally.
Cuando besa mi marido was created in 1950.
"To my husband from your wife" in English is A mio marito da tua moglie in Italian and A mi marido de tu esposa in Spanish.
General Motors from Brasil moved my husband to here.