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Hanging indent is used on the reference page of your paper. See the Webopedia related link for a visual of a hanging indent and the OWL related link describes it in words. Basically, the first line of each reference is left justified at your 1 inch margin, and subsequent lines for that specific reference is indented 1/2 inch. Each new reference starts out left justified at your 1 inch margin followed by its lines indented 1/2 inch.

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Q: What is a hanging indented style?
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What are the different styles of business letter?

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Block style Semi block style indented style full block style hanging indented style simplified letter style

Definition of hanging indented style of business letter?

A hanging indented style of business letter is to format the body of the letter with the first line of each paragraph indented to the left margin, and the subsequent lines of the paragraph indented several spaces to the right of the margin. This format is the opposite of a standard indent letter. The hanging indent style makes each paragraph stand out as additional information. This style is often used in academic writing with citations.

What are the 6 types of business letter?

The 6 types of Business letter are the following: 1. Full blocked style 2. Semi-blocked style 3. Blocked style - block paragraph 4. Blocked style - indented paragraph 5. Hanging indented style 6. Simplified style

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What are the 2 styles of a memorandum?

The two styles of a memorandum are block style and indented style. In block style, all paragraphs are aligned to the left margin. In indented style, the first line of each paragraph is indented.


A hanging indent is a style where the first line of a paragraph is not indented, but subsequent lines are indented further. This is often used in bibliographies or reference lists to make entries easier to read.

What is hanging indented letter?

A hanging indented letter is a style of indentation in which the first line of a paragraph is flush with the left margin and subsequent lines are indented. This is commonly used in business letter formats for an organized and professional appearance.

What is the difference between an indented style memorandum and a blocked style memorandum?

An indented style memorandum has the first line of each paragraph indented, while a blocked style memorandum has all lines aligned with the left margin. Blocked style is more formal because it is easier to read, while indented style is often used for less formal or internal communications.

In a Chicago style bibliography the type of indent is used for each reference?

In a Chicago style bibliography, a hanging indent is used for each reference. The first line of each reference is flush with the left margin, with subsequent lines indented.