A teepee is an Indian tent/hut. The most common synonym for it is a wigwam (used by the Plain Indians). Other words could be depending on which tribe the Indians may come from are called chickee (Seminoles) and wickihut (Northern Indians).
The word teepee comes from the country of Italy
If you are trying to find a synonym of through, then I suggets "into" would be a good synonym.
A good synonym would be pacing.
Tent, abode, dwelling, wigwam.
A teepee is an Indian tent/hut. The most common synonym for it is a wigwam (used by the Plain Indians). Other words could be depending on which tribe the Indians may come from are called chickee (Seminoles) and wickihut (Northern Indians).
The word teepee comes from the country of Italy
If you are trying to find a synonym of through, then I suggets "into" would be a good synonym.
"Revolve" is a good synonym for rotation.
Inquisitive is a good one-word synonym.
There are 3 main parts of a good teepee. These three parts are the hide, the wooden sticks, and the rope.
Horde is a good synonym for swarm.
Wigwam is another 6 letter word sometimes confused to be the same as teepee.
affably genially