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Q: What is a good sentence with adaptation in it?
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What is a good sentence that uses the word adaptation?

Adaption is a form of the word adaptation. Adaptation is the preferred form of the word.An example sentence might be:Marvin wears sweaters during the summer due to his slow adaption to the new, cooler, climate.

What is a sentence using the word adaptation?

"This play is an adaptation of a short novel." "An adaptation is a change in an organism to fit its environment." "The animal had a special adaptation for its environment."

How can you put the word adaptation in a sentence?

adaptation is when the body changes over many generations.

How can you put adaptation in a sentence?

The adaptation of eggs of birds laid on the beach is the point on one end.

How can you use adaptation in a sentence?

you can use adaptation in sentence by ading more detail

A sentence with adaptation in it?

An adaptation is an adjustment to a situation. Two related words to adaptation are transformation and modification. "Working the graveyard shift required an adaptation in my sleeping schedule."

Why these adaptation allow the plants to grow well?

they have good adaptation skills

How to make a sentence using a word adaptation?

The adaptation of the novel into a movie was well-received by audiences.

How do you use the word enviromental adaptation in a sentence?

Every species has an environmental adaptation or two.Bushy eyelashes is one of the environmental adaptations of camels to protect their eyes from sandstorms.

What is a sentence using the words adaptation and native Americans?

The failure of some native Americans to make an adaptation to the demise of the buffalo contributed greatly to the decline of their cultures.

What is a sentence using the word adaptations?

the adaptation of teaching strategy to meet students' needs

What is a sentence for Polygyny?

Monogamy or moderate polygynymay have also been an adaptation intimes of deseases.