There is a word "ancestors", meaning your family lineage or progenitors.
modryb (aunt)
Auntie is the usual spelling, but aunty is a variant.
тітка (Titka)
Anti -- although there is also the more formal word modryb ("aunt").Helo, Anti Bethan : Hello, Auntie BethanFy modryb a fi : My aunt and I
Just be dead sweet and kiss your neice/nephew all the time! Steal him or her and give him or her a private cuddle. DO THIS!I did it and it works!
No she isn't an Auntie
auntie = tía
Auntie is capitalized when it precedes a person's name. Example: Dear Auntie Carol, Her Auntie Luisa is attending the meeting tonight.
The cast of Auntie - 2013 includes: Marcia Burrowes as Auntie
Carries auntie
You can say "shangazi" in Swahili to refer to auntie or aunt.
Auntie BEEB - the BBC
My Young Auntie was created in 1981.
Auntie Freeze was created in 1986.
Auntie Jen is 5' 6".
Auntie's Fantasies was created in 1941.