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tu es le seul / la seule pour moi

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Q: What is You Are The Only One for me in french?
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Related questions

What countries are French?

There is only one French country: France. There are other French-speaking countries in the world, but they are not French.

How many syllables in the French word chien?

The French word "chien" has one syllable.

The only one in french?

la seule

What is the french word for only one?


Why do French men only eat only one egg?

"One is an oeuf" One is an oeuf - one is enough

Which South American countries predominantly speak French?

Only one: French Guiana.

Is there only one bean in french beans?


How do you say romantic in French?

The french word is similar to the English one. The only difference is the spelling. The french word for romantic is romantique.

How do you say 'partner in mischief' in french?

The question was an good one, but the only part I can answer is the french part and it is "partenaire".

You are French can you live in Canada?

Only in Quebec they speak french and other than that you will not find any one who speaks french in Canada (maybe in a French Area)

Where can one go camping if they only speak French?

Canada, as is a bilingual nation, is a great place to go camping if one only speaks French. Quebec is a predominantly French speaking province and offers many scenic places to camp.

What is the French for giraffe?

une girafe (fem.) (with only one "f")