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Q: What is Idiom for become depraved of character?
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When was Totem of the Depraved created?

Totem of the Depraved was created in 1983.

What rhymes with depraved?

Unsaved, unpaved, and raved rhyme with depraved.

When was Depraved to Black created?

Depraved to Black was created in 1985.

Sentence using depraved?

The man had a depraved indifference to human life.

What is a sentence using depravity?

The depravity of his actions shocked everyone in the community.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Depraved - 1957?

The Depraved - 1957 is rated/received certificates of: UK:A

Can you use the word depraved in a sentence?

Because his uncle showed him to shoplift, the child was depraved into a life of crime. This is the wrong use of the word depraved.... better version: Because his uncle showed him to shoplift, the child was introduced to a depraved life of crime.

What is a depraved person called?

A depraved person is often called wicked, corrupt, or immoral.

Can you put the word depraved in a sentence?

The depraved teacher routinely asked her students to use words in sentences.

What actors and actresses appeared in Totem of the Depraved - 1983?

The cast of Totem of the Depraved - 1983 includes: Nick Zedd

Is lost his marbles a Idiom?

An idiom is a phrase that makes no sense unless you know the idiomatic definition. Can someone really lose his marbles? Yes, but does it make sense if someone says "He's lost his marbles" when someone says something crazy? No, so this can be either an idiom or an actual phrase. Someone could really misplace their marbles (toys), or they could be mentally unbalanced, in which case the idiom meaning would be used.

Is did she hit the ceiling when I said that an idiom?

No, that is not an idiom. The phrase "hit the ceiling" is an expression that means to become very angry or upset.