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Test scores have fallen since Caleb became class president; therefore, he has done a terrible job as president.

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8y ago
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Ethan Waite

Lvl 5
3y ago

Everyone who lives near that factory seems really unhappy. It must give off a dangerous chemical.

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Carmelo Hoeger

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3y ago
great answer, ty! ?
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Arianna Blick

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good answer thx ?
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Jaquelin Jast

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love it! ?
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Orval Kuphal

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great response ?
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Wiley Waelchi

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awsom thanks! ?
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Esperanza Hahn

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love it ty!
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Lvl 1
2y ago
Amazing thanks! ?

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Kareem Dach

Lvl 10
2y ago

The fallacy is that an event or action influences another that is not reasonably related.

Ex.: "There were many strangers in the room, so naturally they began to argue."

" We were robbed right after that family moved in, so they must be the culprits."

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Lvl 4
2y ago

test scores have fallen since Caleb became class president therefore, he has done a terrible job as president

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