Qui est sur la photo? in French means "Who is in the photo?" in English.
Une poule qui a trouvé un couteau in French means "A chicken that found a knife" in English.
"qui êtes-vous" means "who are you" in French.
"it's my mother who gets on my nerves" is an English equivalent of the French phrase C'est ma mère qui m'énerve. The declaration also translates as "It's my mother who annoys me" or "It's my mother who irritates me" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "sey ma mehr kee mey-nerv" in French.
"Do you have an idea who I am?" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Avez-vous une idée de qui je suis? The question also translates literally as "Do you have one idea of who I am?" in English. The pronunciation will be "a-vey-voo yoo-nee-dey duh kee zhuh swee" in French.
who of
Qui, vous? in French means "Who, you?" in English.
Qui, moi? in French means "Who, me?" in English.
Qui conduit? in French means "Who is driving?" in English.
Qui est...? in French is "Who is...?" in English.
Qui es-tu? in French means "Who are you?" in English.
Je suis qui? in French means "Who am I?" in English.
Qui ça? in French means "Who that?" literally and "Who are you talking about?" loosely in English.
Qui peut dire? in French means "Who can tell?" in English.
Qui je suis, moi? in French means "Who am I?" in English.
Qui est de Paris? in French is "Who is from Paris?" in English.
C'est qui ton père? in French is "Who is your father?" in English.
Paris qui danse in French means "Paris which is dancing" in English.