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Translation: Give me your strength

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Q: What is 'Donnez-moi votre force' when translated from French to English?
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"Shiite" = an act done by force

Which members of the task force cannot speak English?

All of them because they just translated the episodes to English you can watch it in Japanese

What is the English translation of the French phrase 'force majeure'?

"Major force" literally and "superior force" legally are English equivalents of the French phrase force majeure.Specifically, the feminine noun force means "force." The feminine adjective majeure translates literally as "major." The two words work together to convey the notion of "chance occurrence, unavoidable accident" in terms of legal contracts.The pronunciation will be "forss mah-zhoor" in French.

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"But God gives you strength during this painful period" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Mais Dieu vous donne la force au cours de cette période de grievance. The declaration translates literally as "But God gives you the strength in the course of this period of chagrin (complaint, disappointment, pain, grievance, lament, suffering)" in English. The pronunciation will be "meh dyuh noo dun la for-so koord set pey-ryod gree-vawnss" in French.

What is the English translation of force majeure?

Force majeure can be translated as "superior force", "chance occurrence", or "unavoidable accident". It's a common law that prevents two parties from liability should some uncontrollable force, such as war or tornado, cause a breach in the terms of a contract.

What does cataglottism refer to?

Kissing with tongue. Sometimes implies force. Generally just the English word for french kissing.

What is the English translation of the French 'tour de force'?

"Feat" is an English equivalent of the French phrase tour de force.Specifically, the masculine noun tour literally means "measurement, turn." The preposition de means "of." The feminine noun force means "strength."The pronunciation is "toor duh fohrss."

How do you say the word force in french?

The word "force" in French is pronounced as "forss."

Is the yugioh gx tag force 3 Europe version English?

An EU DS game will have language options of English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

How do you say chef in French?

"chef" is already french... ch (as in SHining), e (as in Ever), f (as in force)... so quite easy for English speaking people... "GOD"

What is 'forza' when translated from Italian to English?

"Force" is an English equivalent of the Italian word forza. The feminine singular noun also translates as "energy," "stamina," "strength" or "vigor" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "FOR-tsa" in Pisan Italian.