"When is your birthday?" is an English equivalent of "Quand est ton anniversaire?"Specifically, the interrogative "quand" means "when." The verb "est" means "(He/She/It) is." The masculine singular possessive adjective "ton" means "your." The masculine singular noun "anniversaire" means "birthday."The pronunciation is "kaw-neh-toh-nah-nee-veh-sehr."
when I'll see you
when there is sun, when it's sunny
Quand je suis chez moi is a French equivalent of the incomplete English phrase "When I am at home... ." The dependent clause translates literally into English as "When I am at me... ." The pronunciation will be "kaw zhuh swee shey mwa" in French.
When I wake up in the morning is translated "quand je me réveille le matin" in French.
Quand est ton anniversaire?
Quand il... in French means "When he..." in English.
c'est quand ton anniversaire (familiar) or quand est ton anniversaire ? means when is your birthday in French. You answer by 'mon anniversaire est le ...'
"quand est ton anniversaire / quand est-ce ton anniversaire "often in speech: "c'est quand ton anniversaire / c'est quoi ton anniversaire"
"quand est ton anniversaire ?"
"When is your birthday?" is an English equivalent of "Quand est ton anniversaire?"Specifically, the interrogative "quand" means "when." The verb "est" means "(He/She/It) is." The masculine singular possessive adjective "ton" means "your." The masculine singular noun "anniversaire" means "birthday."The pronunciation is "kaw-neh-toh-nah-nee-veh-sehr."
Quelle est la date de votre/ ton anniversaire ? ( votre in formal speech and ton in informal speech )You say when is your birthday in french like this: C'est quand ton anniversaire?"quand est-ce ton anniversaire"
Quand est votre anniversaire?
quand est votre anniversaire?
Quand la musique est bonne in French means "When the music is good" in English.
Je dormirai quand j'aurai terminé in French means "I'll sleep when I am finished" in English.
when did you get married?