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Illicit is not the name of a specific drug. The word just means illegal, so it would refer to any illegal drug. That would include cocaine, marijuana (depending on the location), crystal meth, speed, PCP, LSD, etc.

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14y ago

a substance that alters the mind in a psychoactive way but is illegal in the eyes of the law and punishable with criminal justice

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Is an example of an illicit drug?

Marijuana is an example of an illicit drug. Just look in the dictionary and find the definition for illicit. An illicit drug is an illegal drug.

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An illicit profession is where you make money through illegal or dishonest means. For example, drug dealing is an illicit profession.

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An illicit profession is where you make money through illegal or dishonest means. For example, drug dealing is an illicit profession.

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Definition of illicit?

Forbidden by law, rules, or custom.

Are there any extra precautions that should be taken when using an illicit drug while on Minocylcine?

Yes. Stop using the illicit drug. What do you think.You can just wait 7-10 days.

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forbidden by law, rules, or custom.