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It refers to someone who wrongly or illegally takes a role as a king or queen, or in general to someone who takes a senior position that they are not entitled to, often in place of someone else who should get that role.

Or another definition for that word is 'trespass. Going on someones property without permission.'

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

To usurp is to take the authority of another by force, without the rule of law. In a revolt, the revolutionaries might depose the rulers by force, and take their place.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

ruled by a despot, absolute control.

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Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.Yes, he really did execute his daughter Berenice because she had usurped the throne. Remember, they were Ptolemies. The Ptolemy family sport was killing each other off.

How did the president manage to gather so much more power than the constitution allotted to him?

he usurped it

What is a sentence using the word usurp?

The general who led the coup usurped the office of the duly elected president. :)

What was the personality trait of greek god cronus?

Kronos didn't have a "personality" the way you are thinking of. He was the personification of the heavens, so he was made with a lofty spirit. You could say he was fearful and greedy, since he didn't want to be usurped by his children the way he usurped his own father.

What are the possible crimes committed by empress Wu Chao?

Mainly being a woman who usurped a title that should be a man's.

Was hatshepsut married?

Yes, Hatshepsut was married to her half brother Thutmose II. She usurped the throne after her husband's death.

Did Cleopatra kill Bernice?

No. Cleopatra didn't have to kill Bernice. Their father did it because Berenice and her husband usurped the throne from him.

Who is ouranus?

The first king of the Greek gods, father of Kronos, grandfather of Zeus. Kronos conquered him and usurped the throne.

How do use hatshepsut in a sentence?

Queen Hatshepsut sneakily usurped the title of "Egyptian Pharaoh" from her son Thutmose III, the original heir to the throne.