Look! What I...
Everything that I wanted, I found in you
This is what I do.
God knows what he does.
Sometimes a look says everything
Todo lo que este a nuetro alcance in English means everything in our power.
Estar contigo es todo lo que pida would translate to mean 'all I ask is to be with you'.
todo lo que dijiste todo lo que usted dijo
I don't have all that I love.
with everything I am and everything that will be each time
Todo lo que haces
This is an improper sentence in Spanish. The original writer was probably trying to say "You everything I asked for." But "eres todo que lo pedia" translates to "you are everything that I asked for it."
"Todo lo que quiero es tú."
"Lo perdí todo" in Spanish translates to "I lost everything" in English.
I love you baby that is all that I want.
Todo lo que quería era que *fuera / fueras feliz Todo lo que quería era que fueran / fuerais felices *Also: Fuese / fuesen / fueses / fueseis.
todo lo que da la vuelta... todo lo que gira (alrededor de algo)