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It means escape without harm, avoiding the worse case scenario.


"Good thing I got an 82 on the final, or I would have had to go to summer school--I really dodged a bullet!"

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Dodging a bullet means that you were able to escape a mistake or not be found out about something you did..

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You must be kidding? Dodge a bullet? You can't dodge what you can't see. And by the time you hear the shot you are already hit.

What is a sentence for the word dodge?

The car was a model Dodge in pristine condition. Don't dodge the ball if you're goalie. In dodgeball, you have to dodge the balls, basically, he said.

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It had the 440 with 375 horsepower.

What does bullet grain mean?

The reference to grains means the weight of the bullet.

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MythBusters - 2003 Dodge a Bullet 10-8 was released on: USA: 1 June 2011 Australia: 19 December 2011 Finland: 17 October 2012

Can you dodge a machine gun?

No Bullets travel faster than human reflexes. The gunner may miss you, but you will not dodge a bullet that has been fired. Sorry-

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If you mean Video Copilot's 'The Bullet', then no, it is sold separately.

What was the make and model of the car driven by villans in Bullet?

it was a black dodge charger i believe it was a 1968

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you will need a star or a bullet bill to dodge lightning...and use the item before the lightning strikes

What does the grain mean in a bullet?

Grain refers to the weight of the bullet when measured on a powder scale.

What does slug mean?

Slug could be a snail like animal. It could also mean one heavy bullet.

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