un icspeshin
you was close to something,you almost got it
It's just a vivid phrase to mean that you got a sudden attack of goosebumps or a shiver - the image is of your grave already being out there somewhere waiting for you to die, and someone just walked over it.
This is not a tricky answer at all. You got it goin on can mean a number of things. One, you are hot, and that person likes you. And the other is that you are just awesome, and good at whatever you are doing at the moment. Nice question. -Zac
There is no term "got of." Either you got something or you didn't.
She has commitment issues.
nvm got the answer
G2G means "Got to go". It means got to as in leaving the website or conversation.
Depends in what context it was said. If you were joking around and hit him or said something that he was oblivious about, it would be obvious he meant as in 'you got me' ie. caught them out etc. If it was just said in conversation, most likely he was not so subtly hinting to you.
elephinted is a replacement word for you just got burned or you just got played. EX:you just got elephinted
That you got screwed over!
the sky Or better yet...."The rent, you got a job!!"
you got better looking, you got a better personality, and he likes you now.
I got to know that you've passed the exam.
Maybe you could just say, I'm looking forward to taking you to the prom.
"The cat's got my tongue" is a way of saying "I don't know what to say." People will often ask it if the other person in the conversation seems tongue-tied.
Slang-you just engaged in intercourse.