The mountain we tried to climb was insurmountable.
Incapable of being passed over or overcome.
They are insurmountable and unsurmountable
what does the word inaudible mean
The mountain we tried to climb was insurmountable.
Despite insurmountable obstacles in his life, he had done very well.
"Insurmountable" means that something can't be overcome, as in an "insurmountable obstacle".
It is better to use "insurmountable." "Insurmountable" is the correct spelling and means something that cannot be overcome.
Incapable of being passed over or overcome.
They are insurmountable and unsurmountable
Kim's dedication and institutional knowledge of JIEDDO is unsurmountable.
An obstacle may seem insurmountable.
It means it is incapable of being surmounted, passed over, or overcome. (It's powerful)