"Mawr" is a Welsh word that translates to "big" or "large" in English.
The Welsh word for great grandchildren is "awyrennau mawr."
'Mawr' is generally used for 'big.' As an adjective after 'yn' it mutates according to the rules of the Treiglad Meddal or soft mutaion to become 'yn fawr.'
Great > [Welsh] mawr
"Bryn Mawr" is Welsh for "big hill," reflecting the college's location on a hill in Pennsylvania.
You would say "brawd fawr" in Welsh to mean big brother.
It's not Spanish, it's Welsh. It means "much love to you".
'grand bass' in welsh is 'mawr bas'
'Blaidd mawr gwyn, arweinia i' 'Mawr' means 'big' as the word for great 'gwych' would not make sense here.
Mawr, means big.