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The suffix -ology means the study of. Astro- means stars.

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14y ago
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15y ago

the study of sea life is marine Biology, the term biology is just the general study of life or living matter in all forms.

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8y ago

The suffix logy is the study of a subject.

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11y ago

The suffix ology just basically means the study of. It needs a root word to determine what the study is. zoology is the study of animals.

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13y ago

study of

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Q: What does the suffix logy means the study of what?
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What word ending in logy means study of?

-logy itself is a suffix that means 'study of' the bit of the word that comes before it just determines what it is a study of. eg. biology - the study of living things and sociology - the study of social behaviour

If -logy is to the study of then what is to toward?

If "logy" is to the study of something, then a similar suffix for "toward" would be "-ward." For example, the word "forward" means a direction or movement towards something.

What does logy in the word astrology mean?

In the word "astrology," the suffix "-logy" means "study of." So, astrology refers to the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and their purported influence on human affairs and natural events.

Word with logy in it that means love of people?

Ethnology The suffix '-logy' means 'science of' or 'study of' so a word that means 'love of people' would be something like 'Anthrophilia'

Which word contains a Greek suffix that means the study of?

"Biology" contains the Greek suffix "-logy," which means the study of.

What is the suffix of logy mean?

The suffix "-logy" means "the study of" or "the science of." It is commonly used in forming terms for various fields of study or branches of knowledge, such as biology (the study of living organisms) or psychology (the science of mind and behavior).

What is the suffix that means study of to the combining form gastro?

The suffix that means "study of" is -logy. Therefore, combining it with the combining form gastro would give us gastrology, which refers to the study of the stomach.

What does logy mean in science?

zoology means the study of animals. zoo is for animal. logy means study. together they are 'animal study'

Prefix and suffix used in opthamology?

opthalmos- relating to the eyes, logy-study of

What root words mean word or study?

The root words "log-" and "-logy" are related to the meaning of "word" or "study". For example, "log-" is derived from the Greek word "logos," which means word, while "-logy" comes from the Greek word "logia," which translates to study or science.

Is biology a suffix?

Bio just means life and logy means the study of so those are the suffixes and if you put those together biology means the study of life so to answer your question no biology is not a suffix it is just made up of two suffixes to make one word

What are six words that start with logy?

There are no words that start with "logy", except for the word "logy".However, many words start with the suffix "-logy" or "the study of", including biology, glaciology, geology, paleontology, pathology, and entomology.