Incred is not a root word. It is a root with a negating prefix.
The root word means to stand. stigma is one word that has this root word.
able is the root in the word changeable
The root word is actually pens. This root word means to hang or weigh.
There is no root word fine. The root word could be fin which means end.
i think it is doc
The root word (scrib) means to write
A root word the word in which one word is based on such as: make (the root word) making (the other word)
The Anglo-Saxon root word wroht means "work".
Can't is the combining of the two words can not. The root of the word can't is the word can.
"Cele-" is not a root. There is a root kel- which has many different meanings.
Agua is the Spanish word for water.
If you mean "chazir" (חזיר), the hebrew word for pig, the root is ח ז ר
The word 'doc-tress' (or 'doctress') is not a word in English.
long neck