Monkey's Uncle - Originated in 19th century London. Derived from the (Darwinian) idea that descendants of monkeys i.e. humans are more intelligent and thus that monkey's ancestors must have been less intelligent. Used as an expression of surprise.
When using the phrase "I'll be a monkeys uncle" then the above explanation is accurate. However, when someone says "I don't give a monkeys uncle" the source is more likely a reference to money (notably five hundred pounds which got it's origins from the old Indian 500 rupee note that had a picture of a monkey on it).
I'll assume it's from the debate between Darwinism and creationism. Maybe around the time of the Scopes monkey trial. Some wag on the creationist side suggesting that the unimaginable may be true. As strange as being related to the apes.
He was behind on what their doing know
The correct idiom is that's how the cookie crumbles, and it's said after something disappointing has occurred in a seemingly random action. For example, if you wanted to go on a picnic and it rained, you might say, "Well, that's how the cookie crumbles."
It can mean when you get the benefit of two things in one way. You may have two separate needs and find one solution that meets both of those needs. A job that is well paid and also lets you do things you really enjoy, so you are getting two benefits out of it.
Staples, or bare necessities. The basics
This is a sports idiom. If you're not playing well enough, the coach makes you sit on the sidelines of the field instead of joining the game. If you are sitting on the sidelines, you are not participating. You have been "benched." The idiom means that you're not part of whatever is going on.
Well, the Transcience Corp. is in Maryland, if that is what you mean.
if you mean adaptations then squirrel monkeys climb trees well and can pick the best trees for food and shelter!!!
He was behind on what their doing know
I think you mean "right up his alley," which means it is something he would really enjoy or really do well.
It means she cant dance well, and the idiom is wrong, it should be two left feet.
if you mean, like to stop calling them, lets say auntie jane and uncle john, well, you could change it to like just aunt ____ and uncle _____, when your a teen. but they will always be your aunt and uncle, no matter what.
It means that you really know it well. Think how well you know what the back of your own hand looks like!
Well, Monkeys and apes are from the same ancestors. We are not from monkeys.
well of course exept all types of monkeys speek diferent
*techniquely we are all monkeys *well share the same species
Well first of all, Why do u want to know about monkeys? And second..... Well there is no 2nd
Nothing. I believe you misspelled WORLD - "on top of the world" means that everything is going well for you and you feel great.