While it may also have other meanings, SPECT is most commonly used to refer to Single Photo Emission Computed Tomography. This is a test in nuclear medicine that creates a cross-section image.
Spect, coming from the Latin word specto meaning watch or observe.
That is not an acronym in any of the Acronym Dictionaries.
The acronym AHF means Acute Hissy Fit.
I guess it is SPECT.
it mean you!! -------------------------------- IT is an acronym for Information Technology.
The stem "spect" means to look or see. It is commonly found in words related to vision or observation, such as inspect, spectacles, and spectator.
Two words that mean look and end with "spect" are introspect (to examine one's thoughts and feelings) and inspect (to look closely at something)
The actual meaning is to look (spect) around (circum).
Spect- is Latin for See or Look
The prefix for 'spect' is 'e-' or 'ex-', meaning out of, from, or away.
Spect, coming from the Latin word specto meaning watch or observe.
SPECT stands for single-photon emission computed tomography, a nuclear imaging technique that uses radioactive tracers to create three-dimensional images of internal body structures.
While it may also have other meanings, SPECT is most commonly used to refer to Single Photo Emission Computed Tomography. This is a test in nuclear medicine that creates a cross-section image.
Sorry we do not know what you are asking, there is no such verb in English as "spect" and because of this your question can not be understood.
in Acronym Finder in Acronym Finder
The acronym may mean "by us for us" and may be a misstatement of the acronym FUBU.
The meaning of spect is to look. Here are two examples of "spect": inspect; to inspect means to look over something carefully. Spectator; someone who is a spectator, is someone who watches, like an observer. For examples, or meanings of words you can look at: http://dictionary.reference.com/ To search the meaning of a prefix or rootword you can go to: http://www.virtualsalt.com/roots.htm Hope that Helps!