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Q: What does the acronym DAC mean in DAC trucking report?
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What is the full form of DAC?

Digital to analog converter

What is the full form of C-DAC?

The full form of C-DAC is the **Centre for Development of Advanced Computing**. It is an autonomous scientific society under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. Established in 1988, C-DAC was formed to advance research and development in high-performance computing (HPC) and address the need for indigenous supercomputing capabilities in India. It gained prominence with the development of India's first supercomputer, PARAM, which placed the country on the global map for advanced computing. Over the years, C-DAC has expanded its scope to include diverse fields such as software technologies, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, IoT, e-governance, and healthcare informatics. It plays a crucial role in training professionals, promoting innovation, and contributing to India's technological growth.

Full form of PARAM supercomputer?

India's First Supercomputer was PARAM 8000. PARAM stood for Parallel Machine. The computer was developed by the government run Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in 1991. The PARAM 8000 was introduced in 1991 with a rating of 1 Gigaflop (billion floating point operations per second).All the chips and other elements that were used in making of PARAM were bought from the open domestic market. The various components developed and used in the PARAM series were Sun UltraSPARC II, later IBM POWER 4 processors, Ethernet, and the AIX Operating System. The major applications of PARAM Supercomputer are in long-range weather forecasting, remote sensing, drug design and molecular modelling.

Related questions

What does DAC stand for in trucking?

DAC stands for Drive-A-Check. A truck driver DAC report is comparible to a consumers credit report. DAC is operated by HireRight, formerly DAC Services and USIS

What is the meaning of this Acronym DAC?

in terms of financial reports, etc., it stands for "Deferred Acquisition Costs"When speaking of a report trucking companies give former drivers, it means "Drive -A-Check"

Trucking companies that hire without dac report?

None you want to drive for. Any trucking company that would hire someone without looking at their DAC report would also cut corners on maintenance, demand you run illegal logs, and other abuses.

What trucking company will hire with a bad dac report?

That really depends on exactly how bad it is, and if the trucking company uses DAC at all. However, whether they use DAC or not, if you have more than three points on your licence for the preceding three years, your chances are less than hopeful.

Do all trucking companies do Dac reports?


What is a DAT trucking report?

# There is no dat... there is a Dac report. It is like a credit report but it pertains to a cdl drivers driving history, accidents, tickets, abandoning a truck , quiting jobs etc

In trucking what is a D A C report?

A DAC is a industry wide reporting system It records what your employers decide to post about your employment and history as a driver.

How do you get a dac report?

DAC Report Leroy Swanson Jr.

Does every trucker get a dac report?

No. Not all companies use DAC.

What does DAC stand for?

In the trucking industry, DAC (Drive-A-Check) is an employment verification service used in verification of a commercial driver s employment and accident history. DAC services is now known as HireRight, formerly DAC Services and USIS.

Will a failed DOT preemployment drug test show up on a drivers DAC report?

Yes, it is reported on a DAC report.

What truck companies check dac?

Although they have a history of inaccurate information DAC is so widely accepted by the trucking industry that very few companies don't use it.