BLR IS the abbreviation.
The abbreviation CMTS can stand for many things. Typically, the abbreviation CMTS stands for Cable Modem Termination System or Computerized Maintenance Test System.
It is an abbreviation of discotheque
BLR IS the abbreviation.
786 abbreviation stand for bismillah-i-rehman-e- raheem
Cnty is the abbreviation for County.
Supt is the abbreviation for Superintendent
"BBQ" is the abbreviation of "barbecue."
what does beds stand for
PC means Professional Corporation, which means he is incorporated for purposes enabling him to take better advantage of tax rules. He is obliged by law to say so and it has no bearing on his qualifications as a doctor.
St. is the abbreviation for saint or street.
what does the abbriviation OECS stand for