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BLEVE stands for "Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion" which results from the rupturing of a vessel containing a pressurized liquid above it's boiling point.

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Q: What does the BLEVE acronym mean?
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What is BLEVE?

BLEVE is an acronym for Boiling Liquid Evaporating Vapor Explosion. Usually this is regarding LPG or Liquid Propane Gas.

How do you pronouce bleve?

The word bleve does not appear in the dictionary. There is BLEVE which stands for Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. Some people abbreviate the word believe with bleve.

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What is a BLEVE explosion?

"BLEVE" is an acronym for "Boiling Liquid Evaporating Vapor Explosion" and involves a situation where a liquid in a container -- often a compressed liquid such are propane -- suddenly fails, resulting in a rapid expansion of the liquid into a vapor, releasing energy that is capable of hurtling parts of the tank or other nearby objects for considerable distances. If an ignition source is present and the vapor is flammable, a sudden deflagration (fire) or explosion may occur, further increasing the energy of the sudden vapor release, and causing the creation of a fireball that releases a sudden burst of radiant (heat) energy. The largest documented BLEVE explosions (usually involving propane or similar substances) have resulted in numerous deaths, some at great distances from the initial explosion (hundreds of feet or more) from either propulsion of debris, exposure to radiant heat, or a combination of both. There is a Wikipedia article with the title "BLEVE."

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