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Supranational refers to an organization or movement that extends beyond any single nation. Although limited in power, the United Nations organization is a supranational organization. Likewise, many religions are supranational in that they extend beyond national boundaries and may at times function without reference to particular nations.

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having power or influence that transcends national boundaries or governments.

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Dude, i seriously dont know!!(:

Is UN a supranational organization?

Yes, the UN can be seen as supranational. For example its 5 veto-powered member states in the Security Council. However, the General Assembly could arguable be looked upon as intergovernmental.

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Why is the European Union called a supranational organisation?

Because the EU is an organisation of many countries.

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The United Nations (UN) is the largest supranational organization in the world. It comprises 193 member states and serves as a global forum for addressing issues such as peace and security, climate change, and human rights.

Is the NATO supranational or intergovernmental organization?

Yes NATO is intergovernmental organisation from the first world war

What is supranationalism?

European Supranationalism is a method of decision-making in multi-national political communities, wherein power is transferred to an authority broader than governments of member states. Because decisions in some supranational structures are taken by majority votes, it is possible for a member-state in those unions to be forced by the other member-states to implement a decision. Unlike in a federal supra-state, member states retain nominal sovereignty, although some sovereignty is shared with, or ceded to, the supranational body. Full sovereignty can be reclaimed by withdrawing from the supranational arrangements. A supranational authority, by definition, can have some independence from member state governments, although not as much independence as with federal governments. Supranational institutions, like federal governments, imply the possibility of pursuing agendas in ways that the delegating states did not initially envision.