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Q: What does sucure mean?
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How cat sleep?

They find a comfortable spot that make them feel sucure

What should you teach your family to do in case an earthquake strikes?

just make them feel safe and sucure

What is a stucture?

a structure is somethink that is used for a building or u, humans have a sucure a body but do copy this or use it cuz itss not turee hahahaha

Why join the EU?

Countries in Europe should join the EU because it makes a sucure government and also the people can access banks that are wihtin the EU

How hard is it to change out a starter on 96 ford ranger?

not hard,hard . three bolts,screw,and anut on starter. make sure truck is sucure before getting under it i would hate to hear about someone dying

What makes a sucure password?

Minimum 8 characters. Minimum one capital letter. Minimum one lower case letter. Minimum one number. A good idea to remember your password is using song lyrics. "It's a good day to be alive he said": Iagd2bahs

Why is it necessary to sucure materials being cut with a portable power saw?

Because such materials will be kicked out by the saw's blade if not secured, and possibly cause injury. -I have seen numerous small injuries on building sites by people not securing work before cutting or drilling it. -BE SAFE, work smart !

What causes headlights to shut off randomly?

This could be caused by a number of reason's , The first thing I would check is to make sure my battery is sucure and can't slide over and ground out the hot post.The second thing I would check is to see if the wire from my headlight's to my battery's hot wire is getting a good conection(I have had both problem's in older vechile's)

What are the first three words of the Preamble to the US Constituion?

We the people of the United Stes of America in order to form a more perfect union established justice and insure demestice tranquility provide for the common defend promote the general warefare end sucure the blessigns of librety to ourselfs and our posteritys do or dane and establish this constitution for the United States of America

Can the ower of a car reposses his car if its not in a sucure place and is not in default?

Even with a lien holder you should be the registered owner, but if not in default, there are very few legitimate reasons they could use to repo like fraud or misinformation etc on loan docs. your first step is to contact them and find out exactly why they repossessed a car you are current on, assuming it was them. Unless you saw them you don't even know for sure it wasn't stolen, so find out.

How do you do a bun in your hair?

this is how u do a messy bun if thats not what u want soz but i prefer a messy bun than a neat one ...... first u get your hair in a high pony-tail then ... get a coam and back coam it untill it is is all srunched up then make sure u hav a lot of slides/bobbie pins so that u can pin the bun up and make sure it is sucure and stable and that u can not see the buble i think your hair will look g-o-r-g-u-e-s !!!!!!!

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean