Fledermäuser, pronounced roughly "FLAYdermoyser". Bitte sehr.
Thank you
A belly laugh is a deep, jolly sort of laugh that comes from the gut and isn't faked.
No - it does not mean Jackie in english. "Hedwig" is the English language equivalent for "Jadwiga"
quoi is 'what' in English.
sehr gut = very good sehr gut = very well
Klaus does not know very well.
I'm guessing it SHOULD say Das ist sehr gut, mein freund. it mwans "that's very good, my friend (a male friend)" I'm guessing it SHOULD say Das ist sehr gut, mein freund. it mwans "that's very good, my friend (a male friend)"
"Very good" in English is "sehr gut" in German.
this is not very good.
sehr sehr gut
There are several words for very depending in the context of the sentence in which it used. In the context of something being "very" interesting you would use "sehr/äußerst/hoch/wirklich/echt -interessant". In the context of "Thank you very much" you would use the word "sehr"
Das ist sehr gut, ich liebe = That is very good, I love
Dein Deutsch ist sehr gut, Schatzi = Your German is very good, sweetheart.
sehr gutes Essen
German: "sehr schön" means English: "very nice".
Ich bin nicht sehr gut translates as I am not very good.Mir geht es nicht sehr gut translates as I am not very well/I am poorly.