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It's a Yiddish slang word (Yiddish was the lingua franca of European Jewish people for several hundred years; and even though most folks today no longer speak it, many of its words have found their way into American slang, including shlep, maven, shmooze, and a few others). The word "shlong" is slang for the penis, as is the word "putz" (rhymes with mutts). Donald Trump used "shlong" the other night to insult Hillary Clinton and he turned it into a verb; but I grew up in a Yiddish-speaking home and I never heard it used as a verb. The way Mr. Trump used it, he sounded as if he was claiming Barack Obama had sex with Hillary Clinton back in 2008. That did not occur; and it is not a common usage to say "shlonged." Some people are now asserting that this usage does exist-- they say it means "to defeat someone," but that is NOT the normative use. Most Yiddish-speakers would only use it to refer to the male genitals.

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