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A Pastoral poem is one in which country characters, usually shepherds, discuss the big questions about life and love. The notion that simple rural folk have a profound understanding of things comes from idillic literature of ancient Greece and Rome.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Pastoral poetry typically describes a rural, peaceful agricultural living. The word derives from the Latin pastoralis meaning farmer or herdsman. Pastoral is also called Arcadian, in which the countryside life is emphasized and praised. Arcadia has been a commonly used poetic reference to describe an agricultural utopia. It's basically just poetry written in or about the countryside scenery.

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9y ago

A pastoral novel is a good-sized book in which the life of shepherds, farmers, and so forth are artificially shown to be innocent and peaceful folk, while the city folk are depicted as being miserable and uncontented.

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12y ago

It is a poem which uses imagery of shepherds, shepherdesses and idyllic country life. Marlowe's A Passionate Shepherd to his Love is an example.

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14y ago

Pastoral poems are about countryside and natural beauty and sheperds etc. Rural things. Pastoral poems are nice and tranquil and make the the place look almost exemplary.

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14y ago

a short pastoral poem.

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10y ago

A poem that deals with rural life.

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idyl or idyll Eclogue is also a name for a pastoral poem

What is pastoral poems?

A poem that deals with rural life.

What is a poem written on shepherds called?

A poem written about shepherds is called a pastoral poem. Pastoral poems typically depict rural life, often focusing on themes of nature, love, and the simplicity of country living.

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A poem based on husbandry or agriculture is called a pastoral poem. Pastoral poems typically depict rural life, the beauty of the countryside, and the relationship between humans and nature.

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Pastoral plays were plays which idealized the lives of shepherds. Marlowe's famous poem, "The Passionate Shepherd to his love" was a pastoral poem. This was a literary fad in Elizabethan England. The closest Shakespeare came to a pastoral play is As You Like It, with its setting in the forest and characters like Audrey, Corin, Phoebe and Silvius.

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An image not typically found in a pastoral poem would be urban landscapes or industrial scenes. Pastoral poetry typically focuses on rural settings, nature, and simple country life, so images of cities, factories, or technology would be out of place in this genre.

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