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An objective point of view is basically the point of view of someone who was unrelated to the event or story. An objective view is one that has no bias in the event, it simply tells the story as it happened. For example, a story being told by a narrator instead of one of the characters or through the eyes of one of the characters, is being told with an objective point of view.

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13y ago

objective point of view would be a generic one that basically would be typical of an answer from many various types people. A subjective point of view would be one that would coincide with your own view.


Put simply, objective means unbiased. In addition, an objective statement should be comprehensible to everyone with some knowledge of the topic concerned, while a subjective statement may simply be one person's opinion.

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14y ago

The objective point of view is when the writer tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred from the story's action and dialogue.

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An objective point of view is when the writer gives only the facts in the story without providing an opinion.

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16y ago

First person point of view is a point of view given from a person's word or how they feel about something. EX:I,my,me

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13y ago

A piece of writing where the writer shows surroundings and characters without giving an opinion.

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