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Q: What does milonga triste mean in English?
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What does the French word 'triste' mean?

Translated from French to English, 'triste' means sad or melancholy

What does triste pero cierta mean in English?

It means 'sad but true.'

What does esta triste mean in English?

It means he\she is sad.example: el muchacha es esta triste - the girl is sad

How do you spell triste in English?

The Spanish adjective triste means "sad."

What is English you are sad in french?

tu es triste, vous êtes triste(s) (formal / plural you)

What is the definition of the word triste?

The definition of the word triste is sad or wistful. It is an archaic word for sad and can also mean sorrowful or melancholy also. One could say that they were triste in the place of any sad feelings.

When was Milonga Del Angel created?

Milonga Del Angel was created in 1993.

What does Je sais que vous faire du mal et triste mean in English?

I know that hurting you is sad.

Mi relation se Stan complicadas triste para mi..whats that mean in English?

Maybe "Mi relacion es tan complicada y triste para mi" - My relationship is so complicated and sad for me"

What does sad mean in spanish?


What is 'Are you sad' when translated from English to Italian?

"Are you sad?" in English is Sei triste? to a family member, friend or peer and È triste? to a stranger or to someone senior in age or rank in Italian.

What does Bien Triste translate to English?

It means "quite sad."