To leave one place and go to another. To go from place to place and temporarily settle down then move again.
The noun is migration. The noun for something or someone who migrates is migrant. (It is often used specifically as an adjective meaning migratory.)
If what you really mean is, "How does the suffix -tion change the meaning of the base word migrate in the word migration, then I have an answer. -tion is "the act of", and instead of "The birds migrate.", as a verb, it turns into "The birds migration is very long.", and it's a noun.
Immigrate is first attested in the 1620s, from Latin immigratum, past participle of imigrare "to remove, go into, move in," from in- "in" + migrare "to move"Immigrant, from -ant; 'one who shall'
Birds migrate to the South for the winter time.
The meaning of Colonize is to migrate to and settle in.
Migrate means to move somewhere besides where you are now
they do i mean what type of question i this they also hibernae on land
you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GBGB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GBGB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GBGB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game
It means to migrate out of the country they are currently living in.
I believe you have to have six Pokemon chosen to migrate them to pal park in Pearl. If you don't have six Pokemon you want to migrate, then catch however many Pokemon you can trade.
it means to move from somewhere other than where you are and i think its with a group it means to move from different places. example:birds migrate from the north to the south in the winter Migrate means for someone or somthing to move around a place.;-)
To migrate is to move ones home or place of living from one region or country to another.Birds migrate before winter to warmer climates.
The Future tense of migrate is "Will migrate", the word (will) or (shall) can be use when the sentence is future. EX: My parents (migrate) "will migrate" to Canada next year
love birds miograte down south, if you know what i mean ;]