It's Spanish. Loosely means "f**k you"
"Shararat" can be loosely translated to mean mishevious, naughty, playful.
If you meant to say "te hablar" that loosely translates to "you speak" but its not grammatically correct.
In the Latin and loosely translated it means, "True Love". When literally translated, it is closer to "the truth of love".
It means "at any particular moment" or more loosely "at any time whatsoever"
VERY loosely based on the comic series.
Loosely adapted means that the core of the story or movie is based upon someone else's rendition of the event however, some details and events within the story or movie have been changed.
Despair; VERY loosely translated
Arvinder loosely translates from Bangladeshi as "stinky egg".
It's Spanish. Loosely means "f**k you"
loosely translated to "well how nice"
It loosely translates to "Good grief" or "Geez"
The definition of the word freely is to not be controlled by another. The word freely could also mean for something to be done loosely. Freely would mean loosely if John was typing freely.
Personified (Personification) Anthromorphic
Rhus is a genus of plants and the term can be loosely translated as "red".
if you mean the crossword, the answer is colonial
It means something you did not commit a crime. (Sometimes it's used more loosely to mean you didn't do something.)