There are two main camps of thought with regards to these lyrics from Jeezy's song Way Too Gone. My partner on brown and you know I'm on white is thought to refer to his partner drinking Hennessey while Young Jeezy drinks gin or the brown could be heroin while the white is cocaine.
Because brown was very mean to him.
It is a Mexican gang. That only Mexicans are aloud in
Do you mean "white male," as in a man who is white? Or do you mean "white mail" as opposed to blackmail?
Blanca mean 'white' As in Blanche, Blank The Latin root word is 'Albulus' meaning 'white'.
It translates to mean 'the land of the long white cloud'.Land Of The Long White Cloud.
brown white would be light brown. do you by any chance mean "brown OR white"? just wondering.
It has no mean what so ever... like the word white in Christianity
White nits are dead because if they were light brown or dark brown then that would mean that they are alive but not yet hatched
You better get a net.
well in painting you add white...what else do you mean?
the name bambi means a white and brown thing
The answer will depend on what you mean. If you mean an exact name, there is no way to answer that without knowing the horse. If you are asking if a brown and white pinto mare is called something specific, then no, she would still be a mare.
If you mean growing brown fur patches then the dog is NOT a full-bred West Highland White Terrier, as they only come in all white. If you mean the white hair gets brown stains then that's what it is ...STAINS. See a good groomer to get the stains out and ask them to recommend a good whitening shampoo to use at home.
Brown White Rice is called Brown Rice
Depending on the color tint.. white yellow and down. White and yellow.. white and brown
lol it probably has mold on it or its rot....
Mixing white and brown typically results in a lighter shade of brown or tan color. The exact shade will depend on the proportions of white and brown used in the mixture.