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* troubled emotionally and usually deeply; "agitated parents" * physically disturbed or set in motion; "the agitated mixture foamed and bubbled"
The word agitated means to feel troubled or nervous.
Agitated means : feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

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7y ago
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14y ago

jail was clearly agitated by the constant bickering of her inlays.

The guest speaker seemed agitated when the audience did not quiet down right away.

It's wonderful that the family worshiped together, but their screaming infant agitated the entire congregation.

The Principal's calming words helped to settle the agitated student.

I wish Dad would not watch the news because it leaves him upset and agitated night after night.

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11y ago

There are two meanings for the word agitation. It can mean the state of nervous excitement or, alternatively, it can refer to the action of arousing public concern about an issue.

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13y ago

"He used a stick to agitate the muddy water."

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11y ago

When a person is agitated, they are generally upset or angered by something around them. It is not enough to make them fully mad, but it annoys them. It bothers them.

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How can you write agitate in a sentence?

Don't agitate me!

Use a sentence with the word agitate?

Agitate is like when you get mad, so you could say : The kid says I agitate him.

What part of speech is agitate?

The word agitated is a verb. It is the past tense of the verb agitate.

Sentence with agitate?

Loud noises agitate Angela so much that she cannot endure them.

What does agitate mean in tagalog?

"Agitate" in Tagalog can be translated as "panginginig" or "pagkabahala," both of which refer to causing someone to feel disturbed or anxious.

What is the noun form for agitate?

The noun forms for the verb to agitate are agitator, agitation, and the gerund, agitating.

What is another word that means agitate?

Bother, annoy, and disturb are words. Those mean agitate.

How would you use agitate in a sentence?

agitate - to use inflammitory methods to irritate a responsive entity [eg. a person, a bacterium, etc.]"I attempted, unsuccessfully, to agitate her by intruding upon her personal space."

What is the opposite of agitate?


What rhymes with agitate?


Can you give me a sentence with the word agitate in it?

The city was peaceful during the day, but demonstrators continued to agitate publicly throughout the night.

Is agitated a noun?

no, agitate is a verb