the infancy in a child, is when its very young
Infancy usually lasts from newborn to about the time when the infant can walk
developmental stages
Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the activity of raising a child rather than the biological relationship.Read more: parenting#ixzz1CLbYV7Wg
The abstract noun form of the concrete noun 'infant' is infancy.
early childhood; the beginning or early existence of anything
there are five characteristics of infancy: 1.Infancy is the shortest of all developmental periods. 2.Infancy is the time of radical adjustments. 3.Infancy is a plateau in development. 4.Infancy is a preview of later development. 5.Infancy is a hazardous period.
You are so infancy. or This is the hospital of infancy.
you can use several words eg: when a company is in its infancy you can use "beginning" or infancy= babyhood, infancy=childhood
what are the major adjustment of infancy
Up until a child can walk it is considered infancy.
the infancy in a child, is when its very young
Brothers of the Holy Infancy was created in 1853.
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Some words that rhyme with "infancy" include "mancy," "fancy," and "chancy."
Rashes are extremely common in infancy, and are usually not serious at all and can be treated at home
during infancy, a child relates to the world through reflexes as means of their survival.