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It means "there are lightnings."

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Q: What does il y a des éclairs mean in English?
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What does il y a des eclairs mean?

il y a des éclairs mean: there are lightnings / thunderbolts

What does IL y a Des mean?

il = it y = there a = has des = of il y a des = it there has of so maybe: there are

What does il fait du tonnerre et des eclairs mean in English?

there are thunders and lightnings

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What is 'Il fait des nuages' when translated from French to English?

"It's cloudy" and "It's overcast" are English equivalents of the French phrase Il fait des nuages. The declarative statement translates literally as "It is making some clouds" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel feh dey nwazh" in French.

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What does Il y a des orages mean in french?

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