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It means very bad or unpleasant. For example,

The medicine tasted horrible, but I had to take it anyway.

Synonyms include: awful, terrible, dreadful

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Q: What does horrible mean in English?
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"You're horrible!" in English is Sei orribile! in Italian.

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'Horrible' means provoking horror

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Intelligence means to be smart and to make a good choice. It doesn't mean horrible.

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Horrible is an adjective."That English teacher was horrible."Adjectives describe things, people, places, or ideas (aka nouns)horrible, in the example, describes the English teacher as being "horrible."

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No it is not though the webs. around it are horrible i mean HORRIBLE!

What the Welsh meaning of horrible?

If you mean "What is the Welsh word for 'horrible'?" It can be erchyll or ofnadwy.