To get someone high then kiss them EVERYwhere
If someone "jumps down your throat" it means they react very angrily about something you said.
it means that someone has pulled your trousers and underwear down revealing your private areas
A mustang is a wild horse - when you use this slang to mean a person, it is a person who refuses to settle down and be tamed.
If you stick your tongue out, you poke it out of your mouth.
There like up for it looking looking forward to it.
it means you dissapointed them
It means to kill them..
It means to get someone's attention because help is needed.
If someone says something is coming down the pike they mean its coming up soon
To get someone high then kiss them EVERYwhere
They are sizing you up.
To lay a false trail or misslead someone.
To write something down means just to write it onto paper. If you had someone do this, then you asked or told them to write it onto paper.
It means your down for being single,seeing someone or being in a relationship
It would mean that whoever said it to you is passing down a good singing voice down the family.
I'm not quite sure what you mean here?