The adjective form can be dissenting or dissident, and the adverbs are the rarely-seen dissentingly or dissidently.
Some synonyms for agitator are disruptor, dissident, malcontent, anarchist, advocate. Some antonyms for agitator are conciliator, peacemaker, conservative, moderate, arbitrator.
They identify themselves as a rock band, but they have an inimitable style that makes their music somewhat unclassifiable.He's a brilliant comic with an inimitable sense of humor, but his act is too cerebral and too dissident to reach mainstream audiences.
Words with this meaning tend to suggest someone who disagrees or has a difference of opinion with the majority. Dissident or dissenter are the best match; heretic or apostate may apply if the opinion is an established religious one; rebel or traitor imply joining another side where there is a violent dispute or war involved. Words like cynic and skeptic imply someone who does not share your opinion but may not have a fully-formed opinion of their own.
The haudensaunee mean irguios
The word dissident is not Spanish. The Spanish equivalent of the English word dissident is "disidente",
Dissident means someone who disagrees.
i am a dissident
The North Korean government punished one dissident with life imprisonment.The dissident met with a government representative to negotiate a truce.A crowd formed to protect one dissident protester.
he said no in a dissident tone.
Dissident Alliance was created in 1995.
Dissident Display was created in 2005.
The ISBN of Death of a Dissident is 978-1416551652.
Death of a Dissident has 369 pages.
Dissident - song - was created on 1994-05-16.
Death of a Dissident was created on 2007-05-22.
Xiong Yan - dissident - was born on 1964-09-01.